

To offer a coherent programme of study which supports HCPs in delivering holistic evidence-based cancer care for people with diverse needs in a range of settings

To promote a critical understanding of the multidimensional impact of cancer and its treatments on those affected by the disease

To promote a deep understanding and critical application of therapeutic approaches and skills in order to improve the experience of those affected by cancer, from pre-diagnosis through to remission and/or palliative care

To promote critical application of the knowledge and skills required to analyse information and research-based findings that enhance clinical practice, in order to develop your skills and confidence and advance practice in cancer care

The MRes in Archaeology provides a thorough grounding in the theories, debates and methods of archaeology and archaeological heritage today.

The course equips students with the research skills and academic framework necessary to undertake postgraduate study. Supported by expert academic archaeologists in the Department of History and Archaeology, students pursue a research dissertation investigating a topic of their own choosing.

To offer a flexible and lively programme that prepares students to develop the qualities necessary to become effective leaders within their own professional area relevant to health and social care commissioning.

To provide opportunities for students to work in partnership with others through inter-professional education, and to increase the provision and quality of care delivered within health and social care commissioning.

To enable students to consider the impact of the professional role on their organisation, and in the wider context of health and social care commissioning.

A one-year to 16-month full-time or two-year to 28-month part-time programme leading to the award of MSc in Creative Industries Management.

The Creative Industries, which includes media, marketing, advertising, research and design, represent a significant and growing aspect of the UK and world economy.

The success of the industry has identified a need for professional managers who can manage both the creative colleagues within the industry and the commercial aspects of the organisation they work for.

Our DBA and DProf are designed to enable high performing professionals to stimulate organisational development and contribute to wider debates in their field.

Our DBA and DProf participants become active members of our research community. Members of this community are true practitioner-researchers who aim to develop strategic practice and contribute to wider debates associated with the contemporary issues impacting in their field.

The Faculty has a strong track record of facilitating organisational development across sectors

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